Leader Resources

These diverse articles speak to the leadership imperatives and qualities required during and beyond challenging times.


Leading Others

Positive leadership competencies to thrive in trying times

Kim Cameron, Professor of Management and Organizations at the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan, explains the positive strategies that can serve as guidelines for leaders facing trying times.

Psychological safety, emotional intelligence, and leadership in a time of flux

An interview with two renowned scholars and two McKinsey & Company Management Consulting experts about how leaders can respond in an uncertain context and lead their teams towards the future.

15 Important Things Every Leader Should Do When Having A Difficult Conversation

Having difficult conversations is part of every leader’s role and one many leaders feel uncomfortable about.

This useful article by the Forbes Coaches Council offers several tips to help leaders improve their communication and better manage themselves and the conversation to achieve best possible outcomes.

The short, sharp advice touches on neuroscience, coaching, emotional intelligence, managing emotions and forecasting and communication.

Proof That Positive Work Cultures Are More Productive

As workplaces experience significant retention challenges as part of the ‘Great Resignation’, it seems timely to revisit this evidence-based article on what makes a positive workplace culture.

Comprehensive research on positive organisational psychology has debunked the myth that financial success is driven by high pressure environments – those whose costs include employee health problems, work disengagement and lack of loyalty.

By contrast, the authors suggest that workplace wellbeing can be fostered by six essential principles and four simple, practical steps for leaders to support a positive and healthy culture for their teams. Ultimately, this can potentially contribute to a positive workplace culture that delivers significantly higher levels of employee engagement and organisational effectiveness.


Here’s a great blog about how we need to spend more time thinking, if we want to get unstuck.  It’s a whole brain® thinking snippet from Herrmann International.

Feeling stuck? Think more!

In this short TED talk, Professor Richard Davidson, makes a compelling case as to why and how we can take more responsibility for our brains by changing our minds.

How mindfulness changes the emotional life of our brains

What new skills will we need to reshape and prosper in a complex, post pandemic world?

Research cited by the World Economic Forum, suggests that future literacy, anticipation, systems thinking and strategic foresight will be key to building a better future.


Leading Self

These articles and resources focus on optimising your professional and personal life and being the best you can be.

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