
These books, clips and materials will interest you if you are motivated to explore new ideas and ways of thinking, being and behaving.



The Energy Bus – Jon Gordon - Reviewed here



Positive Mindfulness

We often hear or read about the advantages of being mindful: of being able to stop, observe and listen to what’s happening within us. Mindfulness makes sense. Yet in our busy lives, for many of us, there’s quite a gap between knowing and doing. 

If you are curious to explore mindfulness and how it is relevant, maybe this clip is for you. 

Dr Ivan Itzvan tells us his own story and makes a case for mindfulness as an asset for a rich and flourishing life.  As a bonus, he includes a simple meditation to demonstrate its power.    


Connect with others by paying attention

This two minute animated clip offers an easy to digest message about why compassion - the simple act of noticing, feeling and responding to others with care and concern - matters.

All it takes on our part is a conscious decision to notice those around us, to recognise their uniqueness, their feelings, behaviours and expressions. What we discover can enhance our connectedness and help us respond to others with care and concern.

The clip reminds us that by simply paying attention, we can continue to grow compassion - for ourselves and those around us.


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